December Important Dates

Please see below for some important information.
*Hot Lunch is now available to order on . The next Hot Lunch is on December 20 and it's A&W. Please remember that this is optional.
*For those that ordered Purdy's Christmas chocolates, your orders are in and available for pickup starting Monday. Just come by Mrs.Boland's desk and we will collect your order for you.
*We will be collecting items for the Beaumont Nisku Christmas Elves again this year. This ties in with our Advent Service Project, the Giving Tree. Please see attached letter . Please note, the last day to drop off donations is Dec 15.
*Christmas holidays are almost here! Please remember to email both Mrs.Boland and your child's teacher if your child will be away.
*Our Division Wellness Co-ordinator will be hosting a parent Lunch and Learn Mental Health series again. If you are interested in attending, please see attached information here and here
Important Dates:
December 4 - NO SCHOOL
December 7 - Spirit Day - Christmas shirt day
December 8 - NO SCHOOL
December 10 - ASAA Choir performing at Edmonton City Hall
December 14 - ASAA Choir singing at Edmonton Airport
December 20 - Kindergarten Christmas concert at 6:00pm
December 20 - Grade 3 & 4 Christmas concert at 7:00pm
Dec 21 - Grade 1 & 2 Christmas concert at 6:30pm (please note time change from previous email)
Dec 22 - Spirit Day - Pyjama Day! - Last day of school in 2023!
Dec 23 - Jan 7 - Christmas Break